Error message

When downloading the trace, the Runtime may generate the error message:

Communication error : NoMemory (#0x000011)


  • How and where is the memory requirement calculated?
  • Can the maximum available memory size be configured?


The memory size required for the trace in the runtime is calculated when configuring the trace in the CODESYS IDE and then sent to the controller with a service when downloading the trace.


The runtime then allocates the necessary memory dynamically on the heap.

This is done in the TraceMgrRecordAdd function with the following code:

pRecord->ulBufferSize = pPacket->ulBufferEntries * pRecord->ulEntrySize;
pRecord->pBuffer = (TraceRecordEntry*)CAL_SysMemAllocData(COMPONENT_NAME, pRecord->ulBufferSize, &Result);

The value for ulBufferentries is communicated to the runtime by the CODESYS IDE in the TAG_TRACE_PACKET_BUFFERENTRIES tag of the online service SRV_TRACE_PACKET_CREATE.

A direct configuration of the size of the memory available for the trace is therefore not possible.

Only the size of the heap can be changed.

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