Depending on the runtime, the configuration file is located in the following place: Location of the configuration file

Store Persistence Manager and Datalog Manager on removable media (e.g. an SD Card or USB Storage)

The numbers must start from 1 and be in sequential order.  Use other numbers, if you already have existing PlaceholderFilePath.x entries

With the option “.View=1” the placeholder shows up in the filetransfer dialog.
With the option “.VParent=$PlcLogic$” the placeholder shows up additionally as child of the “$PlcLogic$” placeholder. 
With the option ".Volatile=1" the specified folder is not created automatically at startup and the placeholder is visible in the filetransfer window only when the folder exists.  This is important for removable media.

Replace /mnt/USBDevice with the correct filepath of your removable storage, eg. F:\ or /mnt/SDCard

PlaceholderFilePath.1=/mnt/USBDevice, $ac_persistence$
PlaceholderFilePath.2=/mnt/USBDevice, $ac_datalog$
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