Basic questions:


Basically, the limiting values for the CODESYS visualization are always depends on the used system itself.

The standard update times of 150-200ms in the target settings (WebVisu, TargetVisu) under the 'Update rate', and 100ms in the task processing of the 'VISU_TASK':


Explanation of the 'Visu-Update Task' rates:

The interaction of the values is as follows:

                  The visible update rate (without inputs) = MAX (cycle time of the VISU-TASK + update rate of the target).

If the VISU-TASK runs fast enough and inputs are pending (e.g. mouse movements), there may be faster updates here.
The default settings (update rate of 200ms, VISU_TASK of 100ms) are a compromise resulting from the following considerations:

To the combination of 'Update rate' and 'VISU_TASK':

See also....