• Create a "Standard project" and select CODESYS Control Win V3 as the device.
  • Define the target system by means of the Network scan.

  • Open the Project/Project information dialog and fill in the following fields:

  • Open the Library Manager and add the following libraries:
    • CmpApp
    • SysTypes2 Interfaces

  • Adapt the POU PLC_PRG as follows:


        sAppName	:    STRING := 'Application'; // must identic to the name in the device tree
        iecResult   :    RTS_IEC_RESULT;
        xInit       :    BOOL := TRUE;    
        pApp        :    POINTER TO CmpApp.APPLICATION;    
        stAppInfo   :    CmpApp.APPLICATION_INFO;
        pstAppInfo  :    POINTER TO CmpApp.APPLICATION_INFO := ADR(stAppInfo);    
        sProjectName:    STRING;
        sAuthor     :    STRING;
        sVersion    :    STRING;
        sDesc       :    STRING;
        sLastChange :    STRING;   


    IF xInit THEN
        pApp := CmpApp.AppFindApplicationByName(pszString := sAppName, pResult := ADR(iecResult));    
        pstAppInfo := CmpApp.AppGetApplicationInfo(pApp := pApp, pResult := ADR(iecResult));
        IF iecResult = 0 THEN
            sProjectName := pstAppInfo^.pstProjectName^;
            sAuthor := pstAppInfo^.pstAuthor^;
            sVersion := pstAppInfo^.pstVersion^;
            sDesc := pstAppInfo^.pstDescription^;
            sLastChange := DT_TO_STRING(pstAppInfo^.dtLastChanges);
        xInit := False;

  • Start the project.