All functions are also included in the standard library. However, these are restricted to strings less than 255 characters due to historical limitations.

Twenty years ago, it was simply inconceivable to work with longer strings on a control system.

In order to maintain backwards compatibility, a separate StringUtilities library had to be created for these applications.

  • Create a "Standard project" and select CODESYS Control Win V3 as the device.
  • Define the target system by means of the Network scan.

  • Open the Library Manager and add the StringUtils library.

  • Adapt the POU PLC_PRG as follows:


        sTo             :    STRING(300) := 'Hello ';
        psTo            :    POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sTo);
        sFrom           :    STRING(7) := 'World';
        psFrom          :    POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sFrom);
        xResult         :    BOOL;
        xConcat         :    BOOL;
        diLen           :    DINT;
        diCopied        :    DINT;
        sCopied         :    STRING(300);
        iFind           :    INT;
        sMid            :    STRING;
        uiMid           :    UINT;
        sUpperText      :    STRING := 'This Text will be converted';
        pstUpper        :    POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sUpperText);
        xUpper          :    BOOL;
        xLower          :    BOOL;
        sCmp1           :    STRING := 'Hello';
        sCmp2           :    STRING := 'HEllo';
        xCaseCmp        :    BOOL;
        xCaseCmpEnd     :    BOOL;
        xCaseCmpStart   :    BOOL;
        iResult         :    INT;
        xCmpEnd         :    BOOL;
        xCmpStart       :    BOOL;
        sDelete         :    STRING := '2 characters will delete';
        xDelete         :    BOOL;
        sTrim           :    STRING;
        xTrim           :    BOOL;
        xTrimEnd        :    BOOL;
        xTrimStart      :    BOOL;
        sOldReplace     :    STRING(50) := 'Hello World';
        sReplace        :    STRING := ', good morning CODESYS-';
        xReplace        :     BOOL; 


    diLen := STu.StrLenA(pstData := psTo);
    IF xConcat THEN
        xConcat := FALSE;
        IF NOT Stu.StrIsNullOrEmptyA(pstData := psFrom) THEN 
            // Create an string with more than 255 characters
            WHILE Stu.StrConcatA(pstFrom := psFrom,pstTo := psTo, SIZEOF(sTo) - 8) DO
            // Dummy line 
            // Copy the whole string
            diCopied := Stu.StrCpyA(pBuffer := ADR(sCopied), SIZEOF(sCopied), pStr := psTo);
            sFrom := 'CODESYS';
            Stu.StrConcatA(pstFrom := psFrom,pstTo := psTo, SIZEOF(sTo));
            // Find position of the first substring
            iFind := Stu.StrFindA(pst1 := psTo, pst2 := psFrom, uiSearchStart := 1);
            // Copy just a part of the string
            Stu.StrMidA(pst := psTo, uiInputBufferSize := SIZEOF(sTo), iLength := 5, iPosition := iFind , pstResult := ADR(sMid), uiResultBufferSize := uiMid);
    If xUpper Then
        xUpper := False;
        Stu.StrToUpperA(pString := pstUpper);
    IF xLower THEN
        xLower := FALSE;
        Stu.StrToLowerA(pString := pstUpper);
    IF xCaseCmp THEN
        xCaseCmp := FALSE;
        // caseinsensitive comparison !!
        iResult := Stu.StrCaseCmpA(pByte1 := ADR(sCmp1), pByte2 := ADR(sCmp2));
    IF xCaseCmpEnd THEN
        xCaseCmpEnd := FALSE;
        // sCmp1 := 'Hello'; sCmp2 := 'llO';
        //=> Retdurns "0" = for equal 
        iResult := Stu.StrCaseCmpEndA(pString := ADR(sCmp1), pSuffix := ADR(sCmp2));
    IF xCaseCmpStart THEN
        xCaseCmpStart := FALSE;
        // sCmp1 := 'Hello'; sCmp2 := 'HELL';
        //=> Retdurns "0" = for equal 
        iResult := Stu.StrCaseCmpStartA(pString := ADR(sCmp1), pPrefix := ADR(sCmp2));
    IF xCmpEnd THEN
        xCmpEnd := FALSE;
        // sCmp1 := 'Hello'; sCmp2 := 'llO';
        //=> Retdurns "-1" = for not equal 
        iResult := Stu.StrCmpEndA(pString := ADR(sCmp1), pSuffix := ADR(sCmp2));
    IF xCmpStart THEN
        xCmpStart := FALSE;
        // sCmp1 := 'Hello'; sCmp2 := 'HELL';
        //=> Retdurns "-1" = for not equal 
        iResult := Stu.StrCmpStartA(pString := ADR(sCmp1), pPrefix := ADR(sCmp2));
    IF xDelete THEN
        xDelete := FALSE;
        Stu.StrDeleteA(pby := ADR(sDelete), iLength := 2, iPosition := 4);
    IF xTrim THEN
        xTrim := FALSE;
        sTrim := '  The spaces   will removed   ';
        Stu.StrTrimA(pString := ADR(sTrim)); // Space character on the left and the right side will removed
    IF xTrimEnd THEN
        xTrimEnd := FALSE;
        sTrim := '  The spaces   will removed   ';
        Stu.StrTrimEndA(pString := ADR(sTrim)); // Only the space character on the right side will removed
    IF xTrimStart THEN
        xTrimStart := FALSE;
        sTrim := '  The spaces   will removed   ';
        Stu.StrTrimStartA(pString := ADR(sTrim)); // Only the space character on the left side will removed
    IF xReplace THEN
        xReplace := FALSE;
        pstInput:= ADR(sOldReplace), 
        uiInputBufferSize:= SIZEOF(sOldReplace), 
        pstReplaceWith:= ADR(sReplace), 
        iLengthInput:= DINT_TO_INT(Stu.StrLenA(ADR(sOldReplace))), 
        iLengthToReplace:= 1, // 1 = only the space character will replaced; 2 = " W" will replaced
        iLengthToReplaceWith:= DINT_TO_INT(Stu.StrLenA(ADR(sReplace))), 
        iPosition:= 6);

  • Start the project and, for example, set a breakpoint in line 11 of the POU PLC_PRG. Then step through the single function samples.

  • No labels