Preparatory work:

In Codesys

in Python

  • Create a Python Script with the name, for example:
  • Include the following code into the script:

GatewayName = '<Name Gateway>'
TargetName = '<Name in Scan>'
DeviceName = '<Name in Device Tree>'

#find DeviceName in the Device Tree; has to be unique
found = projects.primary.find(DeviceName, False)
print('found "{}" in device tree'.format (DeviceName))

assert(found and len(found) == 1, 'No or more than one device found')
dev = found[0]

# set the selected Gateway for scan
gw = online.gateways[GatewayName]

# execute scan
print ('start scan for devices')
targets = gw.perform_network_scan()

# check if TargetName is in Scan result, only 1 is expected
matchingTarget = None
for target in targets:
	if target.device_name == TargetName:
        print("Name: {} Addr: {}".format(target.device_name, target.address))
		matchingTarget = target;

# set the commuication path with scanned device
if matchingTarget:
	print('Set communication path of device ')
	dev.set_gateway_and_device_name(gw, target.device_name)
	# or
	# dev.set_gateway_and_address(gw, target.address)
	assert('No matching target found')

# or set the communication path with IP
#IPAddress = '<IP Address PLC<'
#dev.set_gateway_and_ip_address(gw, IPAddress)  

# create online application
onlineApp = online.create_online_application()

print ('login with download application')
onlineApp.login(OnlineChangeOption.Never, True)

print ('create boot application ')

print ('logout')

Use / execute 


The execution will be reported in the Script Messages.
For communication path and login, no user / password is set.

Please note that the given code examples are only intended to illustrate possible structures.
The examples do not claim to be complete or error-free.